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SAP VIM :COA(Chart of Authority)

 Overview of  COA in OpenText

Maintenance of Chart of Authority 

In VIM we use COA for the level based approval. It is used in NON-PO based document type and for PO based invoices baseline implementation identifies the requester of the PO as the first and only  approver.

Basically COA provides a single interface where the combination of approvers, approval limits and coder are maintained for the Invoice approval process.


We have 4 Tabs within  COA.

  • User details
  • Approval Limits/Level
  • COA Details
  • Coder Settings

User Details

We use substitutes management utility for adding substitute to USER so that in absence of present user it can be approved by its substitute. 

Approval Limits/Level


1.Company code
2.Approval Level
3.Expense type of invoices
5.Amount Limit
6.Approval Category
7.Additional Amount

COA Details: It Enables to assign cost center to the user.

Coder Settings :It helps to maintain the  code for the subsequent AFS ID.